2022 Forest River - Prime Time Tracer in Buffalo, Leon County, Texas

Premium listing RVs/Campers Palestine, Buffalo, Leon County, Texas
33000.00 $


We have a 2022 Forest River - Prime Time Tracer Floorplan: 29RLS for sale. It is a bumper pull, ultralite, 34 ft. long, with 2 slide-outs, 2 air conditioners, 2 small propane tanks, dining table that makes into bed, one queen mattress (has been protected the entire time), and sofa bed. There is theater seating area with 2 recliners, a large mounted tv in living/kitchen area, and an added small mounted tv in the bedroom. The small tv in the bedroom is an ONN Roku TV. In the bathroom is an added lighted swivel rechargeable makeup mirror. Additionally, there are insulated protection covers over each skylight (total of 4) and over the window in the door. Over the entry door is a very large awning (approximately 15 feet).
This RV has been very well taken care of and is in great condition. Tires have less than 100 miles on them. RV includes a 50 amp electrical 25' cord and heated water hose.

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Views 3632
Listing id 297893
Post date December 12, 2024 4:14 PM
Result 1 votes
Candace Chapman
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