2018Diesel 1100 ATV for Sale in Hollywood, Jackson County, Alabama

Premium listing ATVs Hollywood, Hollywood, Jackson County, Alabama
11500.00 $


2018 RTV Diesel KuBota 1100 has appx 1600+ hours. It has a hydraulic dump bed , with COLD AC, heat, power steering, wiper blade, headlights, cab lights, wide view mirror (view on both sides of the road), horn, enclosed cab PTO with hydraulic hookups. KuBota runs great. There aren't any issues that are known to the seller. One issue was bushings in the front end. The bushings have been replaced.
This is a powerful mudder and mountain climber. I became a RTV Diesel fan after the experience with RTV 1100 Diesel.
Reason for selling is that my legs are too weak to keep the transaxle engaged. I have had 7 spine surgeries , 4 in 2022. But, I became able to walk versus wheelchair bound.
Asking $13000, but willing to negotiate until I lose money on the sale. No trade-ins offers will be accepted. ph: 2565201185 text/voicemail/voice; email rrw.webb@\gmail.com My preference is text/voicemail/email. I take naps and turn off my phone. If i miss your call i will get back to asap.
4/12/24 Price Reduced by $1500 . Buyer , buy both the Gator & KuBota even more savings. I need my garage space, Gator & KuBota & My personal Gator are too much space & too many ATVs

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Views 24189
Listing id 295500
Post date April 2, 2024 10:44 PM
Last edit April 23, 2024 9:01 PM
Result 0 votes
Raymond Orey Webb
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